A big question I am frequently asked about is Group B Strep (GBS), which many women find out about in pregnancy and the results can have a big implication on birth preferences.
There is lots of risk analysis to weigh up with GBS so everybody’s decision will be individual to them. A great place to start is by getting informed.
Some things to think about include:
- What is GBS and when is it tested?
- Who has it and are there any symptoms?
- If I have it in pregnancy does that mean I will have it in labour?
- Is testing accurate and when is the best time to test?
- What does the research say about treatment options?
- Are there advantages and risks of treatment or in fact- no treatment?
- Are there particular risk factors to consider?
- How does GBS status alter birth preferences?
Where can I get more information?
An excellent resource for more information is by Sara Wickham. She is a midwife researcher and has written some excellent articles on GBS (and many other topics). See www.SaraWickham.com. There are also AIMS booklets available (Association of improvements in maternity services) and these have a small charge but are packed with information. See www.aims.org.uk